Degrassi Wiki
Degrassi Wiki

Properly Labeling a Relationship

The purpose of this page is to advise any editing users how to appropriately label a character's relationship with another character. As we all know, most(if not all)characters have a name of another character in their Infobox under "relationships" with the label of the relationship type in parentheses; so, this page could better direct editors to the suitable terms to use for a character's type of relationship with another character. Below is a terms(and definitions) and examples of such.

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: A 'label for a character who is monogamously dating another character.

Hook-Up: A label for a one-time romantic encounter between one character and another that usually doesn't amount to anything significant after the fact. 'Hook-ups can take place whether the two characters involved are already in a relationship or not.

*examples- Sean Cameron/Ashley Kerwin, Damian Hayes/Liberty Van Zandt, Jake Martin/Alli Bhandari.

Affair: A label for a relationship that is taking place outside of a primary relationship, specifically when one character is cheating on their boyfriend or girlfriend with another character. 'An affair usually entails consistent romantic encounters 'two characters over a certain period of time while 'one or both of said characters are(supposed to be) already in a monogamous relationship with someone else.

*examples- Declan Coyne/Jane Vaughn, K.C. Guthrie/Marisol Lewis, Dave Turner/Jacinta Morley.

Fling: A label for a (usually brief)relationship 'between one character and another with the absence of a monogamous commitment and therefore, 'the official title 'of 'boyfriend' or 'girlfriend'. If one or both of said characters are already in a relationship with someone else while having this fling, then the appropriate label should 'be 'affair', as described above. Otherwise, two characters having a fling are not romantically committed to anyone else. *Note* The lack of 'commitment 'within the fling doesn't always imply or entail that 'said characters are having additional flings with other people.

*examples- Sav Bhandari/Winnie Oh.
