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The friendship between Shay Powers and Goldi Nahir developed during the second season of Degrassi: Next Class.

Friendship History

Season 2

In #SquadGoals, Goldi is seen to be friendly with Frankie, Shay, Lola, and all of the other girls on the volleyball team. She shows Shay the picture of the they are seen laughing about their prank in practice.

In #CheckYourPrivilege, they participate in Frankie's diversity mixer. At lunch, the team talks about the consequences of Frankie's prank, white privilege, and microaggressions that other races face at lunch. Shay effectively kicks Frankie off the volleyball team, while Goldi says nothing.

In #BuyMePizza, Lola asks Shay and Frankie if she should delete certain apps because her boyfriends wants her to, and Shay and Goldi initially say no, but then change their answer when Lola reveals she doesn't want to delete Teendr. Lola confesses she likes knowing there are other guys out there in case things doesn't work out with Tiny. Shay and Goldi agree that they get why Tiny is upset with Lola, causing Lola to remark that she should ask girls who had actually been in relationships for advice.


