Degrassi Wiki
Degrassi Wiki

Main Plot: Eliza[]

(Moon walks into class and sits down next to Eliza)

Moon: You okay? You look depressed.

Eliza: I’m fine…

Moon: Okay sweetie, what’s up? You’ve been acting like this all week.

Eliza: I don’t know…I guess high school just isn’t like last year.

Moon: Well of course it’s not. Things are completely different.

Eliza: Yeah, but I don’t like change. I don’t get to see anyone anymore. After Gina and I had that fight over the summer, Chloe left me for her. Most of the friends I still have I don’t even see anymore and you and Scott are the only people I still see.

Moon: Well me and Scott aren’t going anywhere.

Eliza: I don’t know, I turned down Scott last week to hang out with you and I think it made him upset.

Moon: This is Scott we’re talking about, he’s not the kind to hold grudges.

Eliza: I just…I wish things were like last year where I actually got to see all my friends.

Moon: Listen, I was feeling a little lonely in this one class where I didn’t know anyone and I decided to take a chance and talk to this cute guy who sat behind me. We started talking and now we’re friends.

Eliza: Well I’m not that girl who will just go talk to a random guy.

Moon: What about a random hot guy?

Eliza: I don’t think so.

Moon: Well, maybe you should give it a try. If there’s one thing that will take girl’s minds off anything, it’s boys.

Eliza: Maybe…

(Eliza smiles and rolls her eyes)


Clearwater intro

Sub Plot: Ethan[]

(Ethan is in class next to Olivia and talking during a lesson)

Olivia: When is this class over?

Ethan: Hopefully soon. I can’t stand history.

Olivia: I don’t think anyone can to be honest.

Ethan: If I set the classroom on fire, would we take a semester off of this class?

Olivia: Hm…I suppose we’d just change rooms.

Ethan: Darn it…

Olivia: It was a nice idea, though.

Ethan: Do you think I could throw this notebook at Mr. Tucker without him noticing?

Olivia: You could try, but I think it’d fail. People normally notice when large objects strike them in the face.

Ethan: Oh really?

(Ethan throws his pencil at Olivia and she starts laughing)

Olivia: Oh, it’s on!

(Olivia rips a piece of paper out and throws it at Ethan)

Ethan: Bitch please, you’re going down!

Mr. Tucker: Ethan, Olivia, what are you doing?

Ethan: Oh…

Olivia: Mr. Tucker, we were just reenacting the famous Battle Bunker Hill.

Mr. Tucker: Oh really? Well maybe you two can reenact the famous Battle of Saratoga in detention.

Ethan: I don’t like that battle…

Olivia: I don’t like detention…

Mr. Tucker: Oh well!

(Ethan throws his notebook at Mr. Tucker’s back)

Olivia: Dude…

Mr. Tucker: Ethan, office!

Ethan: Olivia, you were right. People do normally notice when large objects strike them, especially in the back.

(Ethan walks out of class and Olivia covers up her laughing)

Third Plot: Jamie/Julia/Jeremy[]

(Jamie and Julia are sitting at a lunch table talking)

Julia: Okay, who have you laid your eyes on this year? Did Isaac like hit puberty over the summer or what because that boy is fine.

Jamie: I guess so, but I haven’t really seen anybody worth dating this year yet.

Julia: Come on Jame, you haven’t had a boyfriend since like freshman year!

Jamie: Yeah and since freshman year you’ve had like 10!

Julia: Because I know what I want and I go for it.

Jamie: Okay, so are you gonna go after Isaac now?

Julia: Maybe, but I’m waiting for someone with that special feeling. You know?

Jeremy: Hey Jamie, I have a cool video idea I wanna tell you about, I’ll be right back to tell you.

(Jeremy runs off and Jamie smiles)

Jamie: Oh, believe me, I know.

Julia: You like Jeremy!

Jamie: I never said that.

Julia: I can see it in your face…it’s obvious.

Jamie: Shut the fuck up, he’s coming back.

Jeremy: Okay guys, what if we did a video about cheerleader auditions where we all auditioned doing weird things?

Jamie: I like it, it lets everybody come up with their own idea.

Julia: I’m in.

Jeremy: You’re joining FilmFridayz?

Julia: Well Jamie tells me how fun it is and why not just check it out, you know?

Jeremy: Awesome, we could always use new members. I’ll see you guys later.

(Jeremy runs off and Julia nudges Jamie in the side)

Jamie: Shut up!!

Main Plot: Eliza[]

(Eliza is walking and looking at her schedule. She bumps into Blake and spills her books all over the floor)

Eliza: Oh, I’m sorry.

Blake: It’s cool, let me help you.

Eliza: No, it’s fine. I got it.

Blake: No, let me do it.

(Eliza looks at Blake and smiles)

Eliza: Thanks. I’m Eliza.

Blake: The name’s Blake. Here you go.

Eliza: Thanks again.

Blake: Not a problem, are you a freshman?

Eliza: Well you don’t really see anyone else studying their schedules like a textbook two weeks into school.

Blake: I’m a sophomore, so I’ve been there. It gets better, believe me. What lunch mod do you have?

Eliza: 11, why?

Blake: Find me in the caf and sit with me today. If you want, of course.

Eliza: Oh, um…I’d love to. Thanks, Blake.

Blake: No prob, Eliza.

(Blake walks off and Eliza smiles)

Scott: Who was that?

Eliza: I don’t know, his name is Blake.

Scott: You friends with him?

Eliza: We just met but he asked me to sit with him at lunch.

Scott: That’s sweet, but that’s Blake Sommer and from what I’ve heard, he’s bad news.

Eliza: What do you mean?

Scott: I don’t know, people just say he’s into bad stuff. Who knows.

Eliza: Hm, that’s weird. So you think I should stay away from him?

Scott: Well a rumor isn’t necessarily true…he could be a normal dude.

Eliza: So I should give him a try?

Scott: I would, just to see what he’s like. If what people say is true and he’s a total pothead or something, then stay away.

Eliza: Let’s just hope he’s not a pothead.

Scott: You like him, don’t you?

Eliza: I just met him…but I don’t know maybe. I’ve only ever had one boyfriend and that was this creep dude I met on the internet in seventh grade.

Scott: I wouldn’t say that counts. He turned out to be fifty and gay.

Eliza: True…I want a boyfriend though. Moon said it will make me less depressed.

Scott: Well I don’t know about that. Relationships bring drama and relationships don’t always last.

Eliza: You’re right…I’m just going to take things slow and not force a relationship.

Scott: That sounds like a good idea.

(Scott walks off and Eliza sighs)

Sub Plot: Ethan[]

(Ethan walks over to his lunch table and sees Olivia in his regular seat)

Ethan: What the hell, Olivia?

Olivia: There’s a seat right next to Danielle, sit there.

Ethan: Whatever.

Jamie: Oh guys, I gotta go meet Jeremy in the media room.

Sophie: Have fun!

Jamie: Oh, I will.

(Jamie gets up and leaves)

Moon: Are her and Jeremy…dating?

Sophie: Nope…not yet at least.

Danielle: They would make a super cute couple!

Ethan: You think?

Danielle: Totally, the funny goofball guy and the mellow sarcastic girl. They always work out in the shows.

Moon: Too bad this is high school.

Danielle: It could still work.

Ethan: I’m a funny goofball, who’s my mellow sarcastic girl?

Olivia: Danielle is pretty mellow. Date her.

Danielle: How about no?

Ethan: Come on, I could take you some place nice.

Moon: I’m gonna be sick.

Sophie: Oh, come on, it’s cute!

Alicia: Ethan and Danielle…Danithan or Ethelle?

Moon: How about neither?

Danielle: If we dated, Ethelle sounds much better.

Ethan: Yeah…if.

Sophie: I’m sensing some disappointment in your voice there, Ethan.

Ethan: I’m devastated!

Danielle: What kind of evil creaton like myself would reject you?

Ethan: Exactly!

Danielle: Tell you what, meet me at the back parking lot after school and we’re going to hang out, okay?

Ethan: Seriously?

Danielle: Just don’t be gross.

Olivia: Too bad Ethan got-

Ethan: Over my cold! I’m not sick anymore, yeah that’s it!

Olivia: Sure…

(Olivia looks at Ethan puzzled, and he ignores her)

Main Plot: Eliza[]

(Eliza is looking at the lunch room for Blake and sees him at a table with a bunch of his friends)

Eliza: Hey Blake!

Blake: Eliza, what’s up?

Eliza: Can I sit here?

Sean: Hey, it’s Blake’s new sex toy!

Blake: Shut the hell up man! Maybe we can go sit somewhere with less stupidity.

Eliza: Um…okay?

(Blake leads Eliza to the back of the lunchroom and they sit down at an empty table)

Blake: So…how’s freshman year starting for you?

Eliza: Um, well I don’t see many of my friends so it’s kinda boring.

Blake: Same here, it’s completely different. It’s mostly just me and my anime.

Eliza: You read anime too?

Blake: Hell yeah, it’s my obsession!

Eliza: Same here!

Blake: I’m going to this thing called Collossicon next month-

Eliza: I’m going too!

Blake: We should go together!

Eliza: That sounds awesome. I would love to.

Blake: We can get a hotel room and stay right next to it.

Eliza: What? Hotel room?

Blake: Well yeah?

Eliza: And you know what happens in hotel rooms. Yeah, I’m not that kind of girl.

Blake: One that has fun?

Eliza: No, a sex bunny.

Blake: Listen, I’m just being myself. Isn’t that was normally gets girls to like you?

Eliza: Normally, unless you’re a perverted jerk like you.

Blake: I’m sorry!

Eliza: It’s fine…just…goodbye Blake.

(Eliza walks away and looks scared)

Third Plot: Jamie/Julia/Jeremy[]

(Julia passes by the media room and sees Jeremy)

Julia: Hey Jeremy, whatcha doing?

Jeremy: Oh, just working on this video idea. I asked Jamie to meet me here to help me work on it but she hasn’t come yet.

Julia: I’m sure she’s on her way.

Jeremy: Would you like to help me until she gets here?

Julia: Um…yeah.

(Julia blushes and sits down next to him)

Jeremy: Hey, can I ask you something?

Julia: Sure.

Jeremy: Um…does Jamie like me?

Julia: Why do you ask?

Jeremy: I don’t know…for some reason she’s been running through my mind a lot.

Julia: Well I can tell you there’s a high possibility she’s thinking about you a lot too.

Jeremy: Oh…that’s a good thing right?

Julia: Maybe…maybe not.

Jeremy: Oh, don’t even go there,

Julia: Hey…uh, I want to be a bigger part of this group. Do you think maybe I could come over or something…so we could think of ideas together.

Jeremy: Together? Um, sure. Why not right?

Julia: Exactly!

(Outside the media room, Jamie sees Julia and Jeremy talking)

Caylee: Is there a reason you’re just standing here?

Jamie: Oh…um…is it a bad thing if you’re best friend is talking alone with the guy you told her you liked?

Caylee: Could be. She could maybe be talking to him about you.

Jamie: Too bad I don’t want that.

Caylee: Don’t jump to conclusions, just casually ask her about it later on.

Jamie: Yeah…good idea. Thanks Caylee.

(Jamie keeps watching them with a worried expression)

Main Plot: Eliza[]

(Eliza is at her locker and sees Kat walk by)

Eliza: Hey, Kat!

Kat: Hi, you’re Moon’s friend right?

Eliza: Yeah, um, this is kinda awkward, but can I ask you something about Blake. You used to date him, right?

Kat: Yeah…what do you want to know? This is weird you know, right?

Eliza: Listen, is he like…a bad boy?

Kat: Why do you even care?

Eliza: I went on a lunch date with him and he was already bringing up us having sex.

Kat: That sounds like Blake…listen Blake is into a lot of bad stuff. He drinks and he smokes and when he’s around his friends he acts like a total idiot. When you’re alone with him though, he can be really sweet.

Eliza: Until he asks you to have sex.

Kat: Sure, but when we dated I didn’t have a problem with it. He’s pretty good at it if you ever do date him.

Eliza: Okay…thanks. Sorry to ask you about this.

Kat: Good luck with him, you might need it.

(Kat waves and walks off and Eliza leans against a locker)

Sub Plot: Ethan[]

(The next day, Ethan walks in and Olivia runs up to him)

Olivia: Mr. Tucker was pissed last night when you weren’t at the detention. Hope you and Danielle had fun.

Ethan: Oh, we did.

Olivia: I’m glad, but watch out because Mr. Hanson is looking for you.

Mr. Hanson: Ah, Mr. Webber. Why don’t we have a nice chat in my office.

Olivia: Good luck.

(In his office)

Mr. Hanson: Why weren’t you at detention yesterday?

Ethan: My poor sickly mother was just dying and-

Mr. Hanson: Cut the crap. You know the rules, you skip once and you get double detention. You skip twice and you get a three day suspension.

Ethan: That’s all I had to do this whole time to get a detention?

Mr. Hanson: Don’t push it.

Ethan: Push what? I’m not pushing anything.

Mr. Hanson: Do you want to get suspended?

Ethan: It’s my dream.

Mr. Hanson: Well, that’s out of the question now.

Ethan: Seriously?

Mr. Hanson: It’s either you go to detention every day this week or you get expelled. I don’t think you’d like expulsion as much as you think. You’d have to move to a whole different county.

Ethan: Fine…I’ll go to detention.

Mr. Hanson: That’s the right choice, Mr. Webber.

Ethan: Can I go now?

Mr. Hanson: Fine…I expect to see you here at 2:45 though.

Ethan: Whatever…

(Ethan rolls his eyes and walks out of the office)

Third Plot: Jamie/Julia/Jeremy[]

(Jamie sees Jeremy at his locker and walks up to him)

Jamie: Hey, sorry I bailed yesterday, I had a lunch detention I totally forgot about.

Jeremy: It’s cool, I had some help.

Jamie: Oh, I know you did.

Jeremy: Huh?

Jamie: Oh, nothing. So, is the idea done?

Jeremy: Yup, all figured out.

Jamie: Oh, that’s good. Actually I wanted to shoot an idea by you. How’s after school at the smoothie shop sound?

Jeremy: Oh…um…I’m actually hanging out with Julia after school today. We’re doing FilmFridayz stuff. Maybe sometime soon.

Jamie: Oh…yeah. That’s fine. You guys have fun!

Jeremy: Thanks for understanding.

(Jeremy walks off and Jamie leans against a locker and looks shocked)

Alicia: You okay? You look like you’re about to kill someone.

Jamie: Okay, I told Julia that I liked this guy and then I see her hanging out with him in the media room. Now, I ask him out and he says he’s already hanging out with Julia. Am I crazy or is she trying to steal my crush?

Alicia: You’re not crazy.

Jamie: I have to be, she wouldn’t do this. I bet they really are just running ideas by each other.

Alicia: Yeah, but you can’t be sure.

Jamie: No…no I can’t. So what do I do?

Alicia: You watch both of them like a hawk. Especially Julia. Bring him up in the conversation a few times. If she won’t look you in the eyes that means she’s keeping something from you.

Jamie: Really? I’m gonna try that. But I mean, we’re best friends. Maybe I shouldn’t be so quick to judge.

Alicia: It doesn’t matter, if she’s flirting with your crush that she knows you like, the friendship doesn’t mean anything anymore and you have to punch a bitch.

Jamie: Wow, you freshman handle things much more hostile than us juniors.

Alicia: That’s just how I roll. If you need me to spy or anything-

Jamie: Not yet. Maybe soon. We’ll keep in touch.

Alicia: Well yeah, we text all the time.

Jamie: You know what I mean!

Sub Plot: Ethan[]

(Ethan and Liam are watching Danielle at her locker)

Liam: I don’t think you’ve blinked, man.

Ethan: I haven’t.

Liam: Where did this crush even come from? Like two days ago you two were just friends.

Ethan: I don’t even know. But fate has finally brought us together.

Liam: I’m going to punch you dude.

Ethan: …Sorry

Liam: She’s single, you’re single, she’s pretty, you’re into her. Make your move.

Ethan: Hey Danielle, wanna hang out again sometime soon?

Danielle: Sounds good, just text me soon.

Ethan: Awesome…

Liam: Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner.

Ethan: I don’t even care about anyone else, I’m going to make her mine.

Liam: Dude, this is freaky. You’ve never liked someone like this before.

Ethan: I know…I’m gonna puke.

Liam: Well not on me.

Ethan: Well, I’m off to detention.

Liam: You’re actually going this time?

Ethan: Yeah, unless I want to get expelled and move. At least now I have something to stay here for…

Main Plot: Eliza[]

(Moon, Scott, and Eliza are walking in the halls)

Moon: So, operation find a hunk was a failure?

Eliza: At least for now.

Scott: There are plenty of guys at this school Eliza, don’t worry.

Eliza: I know. I don’t want to rush anything that isn’t worth it.

Moon: Smart girl, you get some brownie points in my book.

Eliza: Oh God, it’s Blake.

Blake: Eliza, can we talk?

Eliza: Why?

Blake: Because, for some reason I can’t stop thinking of you.

Moon: Aw! Oops…

Scott: We’re leaving. Come on, Moon.

(They walk off and Eliza looks upset)

Eliza: I already told you Blake, I’m not like Kat and I won’t have sex with you.

Blake: I’m not asking for sex, I’m just asking for a second chance. I’ve never met a girl like you who is in love with anime and metal music. Come on, you can’t tell me you weren’t at all attracted to me.

Eliza: I…I guess I was.

Blake: Was?

Eliza: Am…maybe. Listen, if we’re going to do this you have to act reasonable. Around me and your friends. No sexist jokes or anything like that.

Blake: Deal, I swear.

Eliza: Do you think we should wait? Maybe until we learn more about ourselves?

Blake: I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow or next week, even an hour from now. But in this moment, I know this is supposed to happen. I can feel it.

Eliza: I know what you mean…it just feels right.

Blake: So let’s make the universe happy and just do this.

Eliza: Sounds good…boyfriend.

Blake: I think I’m going to make you very happy in that role.

Eliza: You better…
