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Into the Woods

Last time on Attack on Wiki

Sarah's squad was eliminated by a titan, Armin and Lizzy continued to grow closer, Plans were put into action and the Survey Corps headed towards the forest.

Squad 1

Ash: What's going to happen once we reach the forest?

Eren: I don't know right now. It's likely we'll be given orders soon. I wish someone would hurry up though, we're getting close

Marco enters

Marco: EREN!

Eren: What is it?

Marco: Orders are for you and two of your squad to head into the forest.

Eren: Ok. Ash, Kieran, you're coming with me. Yazzy, you're with Marco.

Yazzy: YES! I'll gladly go with Marco

Ash: Yazzy

Yazzy: I'll do my best.

Yazzy and Marco exit

Eren: This isn't going to be easy, going into the forest, but I trust you both. Can you trust me?

Kieran: Of course I do

Ash: I'll always trust you Eren.

Squad 3

Armin: Sarah, what do we do?

Sarah: Lead the titan forward, by the looks of things we're heading into the forest. All we need to do is get the titan there.


Sarah: I know that dumbass, we need to keep forward


Armin: HEY! CALM DOWN. We're all in trouble here, just do as Sarah says and face forward for now.

Sarah: Armin, I'm going to try and slow it down

Armin: How?

Sarah: I'll fight it, it should keep it busy. I need help though, if I fight it alone, I'll be dead before we hit the forest.

Damian: I'll help

Kaylin: Me too.


Damian: I didn't join the Surver Corps for an easy ride, I'll do what I must.

Kaylin: It's about time I did something of help.

Sarah: Ok you too, with me, the rest of you, get to the forst at full speed.

Lizzy: Armin, will they be ok?

Armin: I don't know but if they're lucky, they'll be ok

Lizzy: Armin I....

Armin: It's ok to be scared, I am too. Right now, you're the only thing that's keeping me going. Lizzy, I love you

Lizzy: I love you too

Squad 2

Levi: Once we get to the forest, we split up.

Ari: What?

Levi: Two of us will go into the forest, the other two, you'll go into the trees.

Gegi: What's going on. Why are we heading into the forest.

Levi: If we're right, then this titan attacking us is a shifter. If that's the case, then the best way to fight it is inside the forest. You two, I want you to stand in th trees with the others. Tori, you're coming with me

Tori: Yes, heichou.

Levi: Right now, whether it's because you're similar to her or just because you're intelligent and strong, I trust you, and I need someone I can trust.

Tori: I won't let you down.

Gegi: We're almost at the forest.

Levi: Prepare to split. Tori, stay with me and don't stop, we'll continue straight inside.

Ari: Ok, we're here.

Gegi: Tori, Levi, good luck.

Tori: You too.

Squad 1

Ash: What's going to happen once we're in the forest?

Eren: I don't know. Most likely, we'll ride until we meet up with the Commander.

Mikasa enters

Eren: Mikasa. Why are you here.

Mikasa: Assisstance. In case, you know, you...

Eren: They think I'm going to change into a titan?

Mikasa: It's a possibility. We don't know how strong this titan is, it's possible that, if it comes to it, you'll have to transform.

Eren: And I need an experienced soldier by my side.

Mikasa: Exactly

Eren: Then why am I stuck with you?

Kieran: Hey, Eren, don't be mean to Mikasa

Mikasa: Thank you cutie

Kieran blushes

Kieran: was nothing really

Mikasa: I don't know about that. If we weren't in danger right now I'd kiss you

Kieran: I....uh....heh....

Eren: Mikasa stop it! Leave him alone

Ash: Kieran, stop eyeing up waifus

Kieran: Wah..I wasn't.

Ash: Yeh, you tell yourself that

Mikasa: Everyone, let's focus now. We can all kiss later

Kieran: MIKASA I...

Mikasa: I'm joking

Eren: Don't, it doesn't suit you

Mikasa: Why are you so cold at times, Eren?

Eren: When did you become such a free spirit?

Mikasa: When I meet cuite over there

Ash: Looks like we have a love sqaure forming here. 

Kieran: Tell me about it

Ash: Eren, we'll be ok right?

Eren: Don't worry, I'll protect you....all of you.

Squad 3

Sarah: FUCK! It's too strong. At this rate we're gonna die

Damian: How do we kill this thing? We can't even get close to it's neck.

Sarah: Just keep trying

Kaylin: I don't want to die here

Sarah: Stay focused, we'll never survive if we think we're going to die.

Lizzy: Armin, we're nearly at the forest. We need to hurry, Damian, Kaylin, Sarah, they're all in danger.

Armin: We're nearly there, not long now

Cam: Why the fuck did I join the Survey Corps, we're all going to die here, this is fucking stupid

Lizzy: Hey, shut the fuck up, we're not going to die


Damian: Damn, that was close.

Kaylin: Be careful, please.

Sarah: Both of you, stay focused, Damian go round the back, Kaylin, distract the titan for us.

Damian & Kaylin: OK!

Sarah: OK NOW GO!

The three separate to attack

Kaylin: I'M IN FRONT


Damian: HERE I GO

The attack fails

Damain: DAMN IT


Kaylin: Huh! ARRGHHH

Damian: KAYLIN!

Sqaud 1

Kieran: (thinking) I hope everyone's ok. Please be careful, all of you.
